Within the UK our different regions are home to green innovation and global clusters of excellence that will generate significant opportunity and growth over the next 10-20 years. Current projects and those in the pipeline will require an expansion in workforce across many disciplines as well as a raft of evolving and new skills. Whilst this is affecting some industries more than others, businesses across the board are greening and changing the way they work.
Climate change has understandably brought uncertainty and worry to the younger generation, yet the solutions are giving rise to fantastic career opportunities for young people. We therefore need to build a strong, future workforce that can unleash this opportunity.
The 2021 national Green Jobs Taskforce Report highlighted the importance of building pathways into good green careers, in particular for young people, if we are to achieve our Net Zero goals. Alongside access to investment, workforce challenges remain the greatest limiter on growth within the green economy.
The programme allows businesses to raise awareness of their industry, career, and organisation, whilst reaching out to potential talent and learning from the unique skills, perspectives, and enthusiasm that young people can bring to the sector. Through our work with partner schools we engage with young people from under-represented groups, helping to increase diversity in the sector.
Working with partner schools with higher than average pupil premium, whose student populations come from under-represented groups in the industry, we encourage social mobility through increasing access to opportunities.
Raise the profile of your industry and organisation among the future workforce, carers, and teachers so that young people can make more informed decisions when it comes to GCSEs and other qualifications.
Employers are best placed to advise on the skills that are needed now and in the future. Help to future-proof your industry and develop essential skills among the future workforce.
Showcase the many and varied careers within the sector to those from under-represented groups. Promote the different routes into a thriving career within the green economy, widening the talent pool.
Signpost young people to work experience days, internships, apprenticeships and other opportunities to gain hands-on experience in the industry and build their skills.
Skills for a net-zero economy: Insights from employers and young people, Worldskills UK and Learning & Work Institute
Our collaborative programme, Growing Talent Greener Futures is specifically tailored to encourage engagement with the green economy. We also promote green and sustainability themes across all our activities throughout different sectors and programmes.
Growing Talent Greener FuturesOur bespoke engagement model reaches young people throughout their education from as early as Key Stage 2.
Young people cannot consider a green career without first learning about the opportunities available. We surveyed 174 young people aged 4 to 17 years old before and after taking part in green skills education activities.
Together we can reach even more young people and help them realise their potential in a green career.
Please complete the form below to express your interest. We will get in touch to send you more information and discuss how your organisation would like to get involved.
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0300 124 0496