We designed the Sumo Game Pitch Challenge, an innovative annual programme lasting from September to July, which began in 2017. Each new academic year involves students in Year 8, aged 12 and 13, at five schools across each of the three areas.
The programme begins with speeches by inspirational guests to full Year 8 groups at all participating schools, so every student hears about the games industry and the pathways into it.
There’s then a series of activities, involving smaller groups of the young people, designed to identify and support those who are the most engaged, deliver the best performances, and demonstrate the greatest potential. These elements become progressively more immersive and intensive as the project unfolds, so the most promising students receive the maximum opportunities to develop their skills and experience.
These subsequent activities include a:
- Game Development Bootcamp, attended by 90 engaged young people from each school.
- Prototyping Project, involving 30 high potential students from each school.
- Visit to Sumo’s studios and a celebration event, to which the 25 best performing young people from across the programme are invited.