In the interests of ensuring that the safety of young people remains paramount, Ahead Partnership wishes to make clear to all academies, schools and colleges (referred to hereafter as Education Partners) the policy it has adopted when working in partnership with places of learning. Each Education Partner is required to review and confirm this protocol so that we are all clear where responsibilities lie.
A. Regulated Activity and DBS Checks
Under the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 as amended by Protection of Freedoms Act 2012: Schedule 4 (“the Act”), volunteers who work with young people do not require clearance from the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) if:
(1) they are not involved in ‘regular activity’ within the definition of the Act which is defined as once a week or more or four or more days in a 30 day period; and/or
(2) they are subject to the supervision of someone who is employed in Regulated Activity and who will themselves have undergone a DBS check.
In the case of (1) the activity is not classed as Regulated Activity. In the case of (2) the activity (even if would otherwise satisfy the definition of Regulated Activity) is subject to a specific statutory exception. Please note that Ahead Partnership is not legally permitted to request a DBS clearance if volunteers fall within either (1) or (2) above.
At the point when any activity is agreed for inclusion in a programme, the Education Partner and Ahead Partnership will agree and document whether participation by a volunteer in that activity constitutes Regulated Activity or not. Where DBS checks are required and permitted, the school and Ahead Partnership will agree responsibility for undertaking the checks.
B. Responsibilities of the Education Partner
Responsibility for the safeguarding of its pupils will remain the responsibility of the Education Partner at all times. The Education Partner must have in place an active safeguarding policy that has been agreed by its Governing Body.
In relation to employer activity delivered in conjunction with Ahead Partnership:
(1) upon commencement of the relationship with Ahead Partnership, each Education Partner will designate a member of staff as a point of contact for any matters related to safeguarding and provide their contact details to Ahead Partnership. Any subsequent changes must be communicated without delay.
(2) any safeguarding concerns alerted to the Education Partner will be notified immediately to the appropriate Ahead Partnership staff member, who will record the issue identified and refer to the Ahead Partnership Designated Safeguarding Lead as appropriate.
(3) the Education Partner will ensure that at least one member of its staff is present at all times with each group of students accessing an activity. If at any time this is not possible the Ahead Partnership member of staff leading the activity will risk assess the situation and make an informed decision about mitigating actions – this may include delaying or ceasing the activity.
(4) Responsibility for managing students’ behaviour is the responsibility of the Education Partner. Should behaviour be deemed unacceptable, the Ahead Partnership representative will discuss this with the Education Partner member of staff to agree appropriate actions – this may include delaying or ceasing the activity.
C. Responsibilities of Ahead Partnership
(1) All Ahead Partnership project delivery staff will have current DBS clearance.
(2) In the case of mentoring that falls outside the definition of Regulated Activity, Ahead Partnership will ensure that recruitment and screening of potential mentors involves requests for two written references.
(3) Ahead Partnership will ensure that all employee volunteers are provided with an oral and written briefing upon commencement of any activity, which will include safeguarding responsibilities and procedures. They will be asked to adhere to the following guidance on safe working practice with young people:
Safe Working Practice
(4) All volunteers placed by Ahead Partnership will receive as part of a written activity briefing the name and contact details of the member of staff designated by the Education Partner as responsible for safeguarding and the following guidance to follow in the event of a disclosure made by a young person during an activity:
In the event of a disclosure
If you would like to speak to someone about our Safeguarding Protocol please contact Nicola Hara on 0300 124 0496.